reed in place and plays with vibrancy. It works even if the reed is imperfect or warped. I also use the Versa-X on Tenor and Bari."
In 1965, Ron became a member of the United States Naval Academy Band performing on saxophone, bassoon, clarinet, flute and piccolo. In 1973, Ron was selected to play with the Navy's official Jazz Ensemble, "The Commodores." He held the position of lead sax until June 1991. As educator he is the former director of Jazz Bands at Towson Uniersity and UMBC. Ron also serves as a clinician for the Master Class and concert series presented by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Ron has played lead alto for many of the famous big bands: Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, Ray Anthony, Bill May, Pill Potts, Reunion, and the United States Naval Academy Alumni Big Band. As an author, Ron has written two saxophone books entitled "Alternate Fingerings", and "Jazz Excerpts", as well as several articles for the Saxophone Journal.
Currently he is teaching saxophone and jazz improvisation, and accepting private students.